Portfolio Rebalancing Using Python

Posted on December 17, 2018 in posts

If you are an investor in stocks or bonds you are likely always looking for ways to increase your return or lower your risk, and it turns out there is a way to do both simultaneously called rebalancing. Portfolio rebalancing is something every investor should either do themselves or have done for them. Registered investment advisors like Vanguard and others will provide this service as part of an active management agreement, while robo-advisors such as Betterment will also rebalance automatically. To understand why it's so important, I'll defer to the finance professionals over at BogleHeads :

Rebalancing is the action of bringing a portfolio that has deviated away from one's target asset allocation back into line. The objective is to maintain a consistent mix of asset classes (most commonly equities vs. fixed income) in order to control risk at the level desired by the investor. This is accomplished by transferring funds from higher-performing classes to lower-performing classes. While potentially counterintuitive, rebalancing ensures that investors "Buy Low" and "Sell High".

Much research has been conducted on the benefits of portoflio rebalancing, here is an excerpt from a fairly recent Morgan Stanley research piece:

Rebalancing takes advantage of the long-term effects of mean reversion. By lightening up on stocks after periods of significant outperformance, or topping off positions after periods of underperformance, this discipline helps take advantage of volatility to benefit from these swings. ... A disciplined approach to rebalancing portfolios annually can create additional return and lower volatility versus never rebalancing or rebalancing during different time periods. While investing for the long term requires patience, a disciplined approach to rebalancing can help create value beyond the cyclical trends of the market.

Timely and consistent rebalancing has become a cornerstone of modern portfolio theory. Rebalancing can magnify returns by promoting selling high and buying low, and reduce long-term risk by ensuring the portfolio adheres to its designated risk tolerance. The keys are to rebalance in a timely manner (i.e. annually) and to do it consistently because the benefits of rebalancing compound over time - but rebalancing by hand is a pain, and that can lead to inconsistency. I pursued this project due to the lack of free tools to simply rebalance an existing portfolio. Sure, we can all use a worksheet to do the math each time, but why not automate it to make it more likely we will actually do it? Here, inspired by the work of kdboller, I'll use Pandas, the Tiingo API, and some simple math to calculate how to optimally rebalance a portfolio given a target allocation. This is a simple, no-frills portfolio rebalancing exercise which does not factor in important considerations such as tax efficiency, transaction costs, minimum investment amounts, or alternate approaches such as stock-out rebalances, or bond-floor settings. Future versions of this project may contemplate these extra factors.

My portfolio is spread across various accounts and asset classes, so at a minimum this portfolio rebalancer had to consider how to best allocate assets within and across accounts. If new assets were added to the portfolio (based on the target portfolio definition) the rebalancer must also handle distributing those new assets into an existing account with adequate funds for it. A final consideration was basic asset tax location, I wanted the distribution of new assets to prioritize the appropriate accounts, for example, bonds will go in tax-free or tax-deferred acounts first and only to taxable accounts as a last resort. The reason for this tax location is bonds and bond funds are taxed as regular income (a higher rate) versus stocks which are taxed as capital gains (a lower rate) so we would generally prefer the higher taxed asset to be placed in a tax-advantaged account. The account-level distribution logic is constrained by available funds from sales in that same account, this is a simplifying constraint because the code does not currently contemplate IRA or Roth-IRA contribution levels or limits, and as a practical matter manually moving additional funds into a 401k may be impossible. Unfortunately, these additional considerations add to complexity and code length but I felt leaving them out would be too oversimplified and not actually useful for an average portfolio like my own.

The steps and static code are below, but thanks to the amazing folks over at Binder you can run this code interactively right in your browser and play with the rebalancer in real-time and change the inputs to suit your needs. Click the launch Binder link below to launch a new window which will load the code environment (it takes a few minutes).


  1. Set triggers to rebalance (time or threshold or both)
  2. Define our current Portfolio (accounttype, accountid, lastrebaldate, ticker, shares, cost basis, assetclass)
  3. Define our target allocation (ticker, allocation, assetclass)
  4. Factor in any new money being invested
  5. Aggregate to security level and calculate rebalance triggers to determine which securities must be rebalanced
  6. Calculate initial transactions needed to hit target allocation (1 row per ticker)
  7. Disaggregate portfolio back to account level (1 row per ticker per account)
  8. Iteratively distribute new securities into accounts, keeping tax location in mind
  9. Iteratively distribute across accounts any new securities which do not fit into a single account


pythonsp500 by kdboller

Portfolio Rebalancing by bogleheads wiki

The Rebalancing Effect by Morgan Stanely

Github Repo: pogoetic/rebalance


In [2]:
#Lets import the necessary packages
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import numpy as np
import datetime
import decimal
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
from keys import tiingo_key
#define todays datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now()
In [3]:
new_money_in = 10000
#Set our rebalance threshold
rebal_threshold = .05 #allowable allocation drift
rebal_timeframe = 180 #in days
In [4]:
#Define target and current allocations
#create our target allocation
columns_t = ['ticker','allocation_target','assetclass']
positions_t = [['VTSAX',0.5652,'ST'],

#set our current portfolio
columns_c = ['accounttype','accountid','lastrebaldate','ticker','assetclass','basisdate','costbasis','shares']
positions_c = [['RIRA','1111','2018-11-16','VBTLX','BD','2018-11-16',1,913.483],
In [5]:
#lookup table for account type abbreviations
accounttypes = {'TAXB':'Taxable Brokerage', '401K':'401k', 'RIRA':'Roth-IRA', 'TIRA':'Traditional-IRA'}
assetclasses = {'ST':'Equity Stocks', 'BD':'Bonds Fixed-Income', 'CS':'Cash and Commodities', 'RE':'Real-Estate', 'ALT':'Alternatives'}
assettypes = {'SEC':'Individual Security', 'ETF':'Exchange Traded Fund', 'MF': 'Mutual Fund', 'IF':'Index Fund'}
assetregion = {'D':'Domestic','I':'International'}

#initialize target portfolio
targetalloc = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns_t, data = positions_t)
#check that our target allocation indeed adds to 100%
assert round(total,4) == 1,'Target Allocation not 100% : {}'.format(int(total))

#initialize current portfolio
start_port = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns_c, data = positions_c)
start_port.lastrebaldate = pd.to_datetime(start_port.lastrebaldate)
start_port.basisdate = pd.to_datetime(start_port.basisdate)

#custom apply function
def f(x):
    d = {}
    d['lastrebaldate'] = x['lastrebaldate'].max()
    d['assetclass'] = x['assetclass'].max()
    d['basisdate'] = x['basisdate'].min()
    d['costbasis'] = (x['costbasis'] * x['shares']).sum()/(x['shares'].sum() or 1) #weighted avg
    d['shares'] = x['shares'].sum()
    return pd.Series(d, index=['lastrebaldate', 'assetclass', 'basisdate', 'costbasis', 'shares'])

#aggregate by ticker to account for duplicate securities held in different accounts
agg_port = start_port.groupby(['ticker']).apply(f)

#Define list of distinct tickers we care about
tickers = set(targetalloc.ticker.unique().tolist()+start_port.ticker.unique().tolist())
In [6]:
#Lets look at our input portfolios (target and current)

#And our aggregated portfolio at the ticker level (1 row per ticker)
ticker allocation_target assetclass
0 VTSAX 0.5652 ST
1 VIGAX 0.0131 ST
2 VSMAX 0.0066 ST
3 VSEQX 0.0066 ST
4 VWIGX 0.0507 ST
5 VTRIX 0.0507 ST
6 VTIAX 0.1521 ST
7 VBTLX 0.0350 BD
8 VTABX 0.0150 BD
9 VGSLX 0.0500 RE
10 VNQI 0.0100 RE
11 VDE 0.0300 ST
12 GLD 0.0150 CS
accounttype accountid lastrebaldate ticker assetclass basisdate costbasis shares
0 RIRA 1111 2018-11-16 VBTLX BD 2018-11-16 1 913.483
1 RIRA 1111 2018-11-16 VTIAX ST 2018-11-16 1 514.298
2 RIRA 1111 2018-11-16 VTSAX ST 2018-11-16 10 151.121
3 RIRA 2222 2018-11-16 VBTLX BD 2018-11-16 1 772.407
4 RIRA 2222 2018-11-16 VTSAX ST 2018-11-16 20 151.578
5 TAXB 3333 2018-11-16 AAPL ST 2018-11-16 1 3.140
6 TAXB 3333 2018-11-16 VTSAX ST 2018-11-16 10 549.871
lastrebaldate assetclass basisdate costbasis shares
AAPL 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 1.000000 3.140
VBTLX 2018-11-16 BD 2018-11-16 1.000000 1685.890
VTIAX 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 1.000000 514.298
VTSAX 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 11.777895 852.570
In [7]:
#Next we pull the latest prices from Tiingo (YahooFinance is buggy, and IEX does not contain mutual fund data)
#Tiingo limits for free API: 500 unique tickers ever, 500 requests/hr, 20,000 requests/day
#Tiingo API key required: set 'tiingo_key' value in python file called 'keys.py' in same directory as this script
now = datetime.datetime.now()
yesterday = now - datetime.timedelta(3) #avoids weekends with no data - need better weekend detection
start = datetime.datetime(yesterday.year, yesterday.month, yesterday.day)
end = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day)

bad_tickers = []
for i, t in enumerate(tickers):
        if i==0:
            ohlc = pdr.get_data_tiingo(t, api_key=tiingo_key).tail(1).close
            ohlc = ohlc.append(pdr.get_data_tiingo(t, api_key=tiingo_key).tail(1).close)
ohlc = ohlc.to_frame(name='close')

#drop our date index since its only the latest data
ohlc2=ohlc.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)

#Manual fix for known bad_tickers which Tiingo can't find, adjust to suit your needs
if 'VMFXX' in bad_tickers:
    ohlc2.loc['VMFXX'] = 1.0
In [8]:
#What did we get?
VTABX 21.66
VIGAX 68.02
VSEQX 26.77
VTIAX 25.17
VNQI 52.05
VWIGX 24.76
VTSAX 61.08
VTRIX 31.91
VBTLX 10.39
VDE 77.44
VSMAX 62.25
AAPL 156.15
VGSLX 105.06
GLD 120.57
In [9]:
#concatenate target allocation and latest prices with our portfolio
start_port_c = pd.merge(agg_port, targetalloc, on ='ticker', how ='outer')
final_port = pd.merge(start_port_c, ohlc2, left_on ='ticker', right_index = True, how = 'left')

#set target to zero for tickers held but not present in our target allocation, set initial basisdate and costbasis for new securities entering the portfolio
final_port.fillna(value = {'allocation_target':0.0,'shares':0.0,'basisdate':pd.to_datetime(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),'costbasis':final_port.close,'assetclass_x':final_port.assetclass_y},inplace = True)

#calculate holding values and current allocation
final_port['value'] = final_port.close * final_port.shares #calculate value as price x shares
final_port.loc[final_port.value.isna() & final_port.shares.isna(),['value']]=0.0 #for securities not currently held but in our target (and close price failed to return), establish zero value
final_port['allocation'] = final_port.value / final_port.value.sum()
final_port['correction'] = final_port.allocation_target - final_port.allocation
final_port['new_money_in'] = new_money_in * final_port.allocation_target #Account for new money in
In [10]:
#create timedelta int column
final_port['timedelta'] = (final_port.lastrebaldate - pd.to_datetime(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))).dt.days

#define rebalance flags to determine if we must rebalance
final_port['rebal_flag_thresh'] = np.where((abs(final_port.correction)<=rebal_threshold) & (final_port.allocation > 0),0,1)
final_port['rebal_flag_time'] = np.where(final_port.timedelta >= rebal_timeframe,1,0)
final_port['rebal_flag_exit'] = np.where((final_port.allocation > 0) & (final_port.allocation_target==0),1,0) #force rebal securities not present in our target portfolio
final_port['rebal_flag_newmoney'] = np.where(final_port.new_money_in>0,1,0)
final_port['rebal_flag'] = np.where(final_port.rebal_flag_thresh + final_port.rebal_flag_time + final_port.rebal_flag_exit + final_port.rebal_flag_newmoney >= 1,1,0)

#Subset of securities we need to rebalance, and those we need to leave alone
rebal_port = final_port[final_port.rebal_flag==1].copy()
stable_port = final_port[final_port.rebal_flag==0].copy()
In [11]:
#Calculate our current allocation, target, and the change we need to hit target
total_val = rebal_port.value.sum()
rebal_port['allocation'] = rebal_port.value/rebal_port.value.sum()
rebal_port['allocation_target'] = rebal_port.allocation_target/rebal_port.allocation_target.sum()
rebal_port['correction'] = rebal_port.allocation_target - rebal_port.allocation

#Factor in any new money entering the portfolio and determine necessary changes in value and shares
rebal_port['value_chg'] = (total_val * rebal_port.correction) + rebal_port.new_money_in
rebal_port['shares_chg'] = rebal_port.value_chg / rebal_port.close
rebal_port.loc[rebal_port.value_chg.isna() & rebal_port.shares > 0,['shares_chg']]=-rebal_port.shares #sell all shares of securities not in our target portfolio

#Round off shares to whole numbers, except when we are fully exiting a position
rebal_port['shares_chg_round'] = rebal_port.shares_chg
rebal_port = rebal_port.astype({'shares_chg_round': int})
rebal_port['final_shares_chg'] = rebal_port.shares_chg

#Calculate initial new shares and values
rebal_port['new_shares'] = np.round(rebal_port.shares + rebal_port.final_shares_chg,3)
rebal_port['new_value'] = rebal_port.new_shares * rebal_port.close #due to share rounding, there will be slight variance vs. portfolio starting value
rebal_port['new_value_chg'] = rebal_port.final_shares_chg * rebal_port.close
In [12]:
#Double check our work so far
#net of buying and selling should be zero
#make sure totals match (with rounding error + new money in) from original portfolio and rebalanced portfolio
assert(np.round(rebal_port.new_value.sum() - rebal_port.value.sum(),3)==np.round((rebal_port.new_value.sum() + stable_port.value.sum()) - final_port.value.sum(),3))
In [13]:
#Merge our rebalanced portfolio with our stable portfolio for our execution portfolio
stable_port['value_chg'] = 0
stable_port['final_shares_chg'] = 0
stable_port['new_value_chg'] = 0
stable_port['new_shares'] = stable_port.shares
stable_port['new_value'] = stable_port.value
exec_port = pd.concat([rebal_port,stable_port],sort=False)

#Reset allocations to be based on all securities
exec_port['allocation'] = exec_port.value/exec_port.value.sum()
exec_port['allocation_target'] = exec_port.allocation_target/exec_port.allocation_target.sum()
exec_port['correction'] = exec_port.allocation_target - exec_port.allocation
exec_port['final_allocation'] = exec_port.new_value / exec_port.new_value.sum()
In [14]:
#Lets look at all our work to get to our target portfolio
ticker lastrebaldate assetclass basisdate costbasis shares allocation_target close value allocation correction new_money_in rebal_flag final_shares_chg new_shares new_value new_value_chg final_allocation
0 AAPL 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 1.000000 3.140 0.0000 156.15 490.31100 0.005905 -0.005905 0.0 1 -3.14 0.000 0.00000 -490.311 0.000000
1 VBTLX 2018-11-16 BD 2018-11-16 1.000000 1685.890 0.0350 10.39 17516.39710 0.210973 -0.175973 350.0 1 -1372.00 313.890 3261.31710 -14255.080 0.035196
2 VTIAX 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 1.000000 514.298 0.1521 25.17 12944.88066 0.155913 -0.003813 1521.0 1 47.00 561.298 14127.87066 1182.990 0.152468
3 VTSAX 2018-11-16 ST 2018-11-16 11.777895 852.570 0.5652 61.08 52074.97560 0.627209 -0.062009 5652.0 1 8.00 860.570 52563.61560 488.640 0.567266
4 VIGAX NaT ST 2018-12-27 68.020000 0.000 0.0131 68.02 0.00000 0.000000 0.013100 131.0 1 17.00 17.000 1156.34000 1156.340 0.012479
5 VSMAX NaT ST 2018-12-27 62.250000 0.000 0.0066 62.25 0.00000 0.000000 0.006600 66.0 1 9.00 9.000 560.25000 560.250 0.006046
6 VSEQX NaT ST 2018-12-27 26.770000 0.000 0.0066 26.77 0.00000 0.000000 0.006600 66.0 1 22.00 22.000 588.94000 588.940 0.006356
7 VWIGX NaT ST 2018-12-27 24.760000 0.000 0.0507 24.76 0.00000 0.000000 0.050700 507.0 1 190.00 190.000 4704.40000 4704.400 0.050770
8 VTRIX NaT ST 2018-12-27 31.910000 0.000 0.0507 31.91 0.00000 0.000000 0.050700 507.0 1 147.00 147.000 4690.77000 4690.770 0.050623
9 VTABX NaT BD 2018-12-27 21.660000 0.000 0.0150 21.66 0.00000 0.000000 0.015000 150.0 1 64.00 64.000 1386.24000 1386.240 0.014960
10 VGSLX NaT RE 2018-12-27 105.060000 0.000 0.0500 105.06 0.00000 0.000000 0.050000 500.0 1 44.00 44.000 4622.64000 4622.640 0.049887
11 VNQI NaT RE 2018-12-27 52.050000 0.000 0.0100 52.05 0.00000 0.000000 0.010000 100.0 1 17.00 17.000 884.85000 884.850 0.009549
12 VDE NaT ST 2018-12-27 77.440000 0.000 0.0300 77.44 0.00000 0.000000 0.030000 300.0 1 36.00 36.000 2787.84000 2787.840 0.030086
13 GLD NaT CS 2018-12-27 120.570000 0.000 0.0150 120.57 0.00000 0.000000 0.015000 150.0 1 11.00 11.000 1326.27000 1326.270 0.014313
In [16]:
#Lets add a bar chart here to show the new allocation vs. the target allocation and vs. the original portfolio
graph_port = exec_port[['ticker','allocation','allocation_target','final_allocation']].copy()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12561aa20>
In [17]:
#Next we turn our ticker-level strategy into account level actions
#Join in our rebalanced portfolio and determine how to split value across accounts for a given ticker
port = pd.merge(start_port[['accounttype','accountid','ticker','shares']], 
                   how = 'right', 
                   left_on = 'ticker', 
                   right_on = 'ticker')
port['value_orig'] = port.close * port.shares
#Calculate the value-weight of each ticker by account
port['tick_alloc'] = port.value_orig / port.value #What pct of each ticker is in a given account?

#check our sub-allocations
assert(port.groupby('ticker').tick_alloc.sum().sum() == len(port.groupby('ticker').tick_alloc.sum()))

#Recalculate the values proportionately
port['final_shares_chg_n'] = port.final_shares_chg * port.tick_alloc
port['new_shares_n'] = port.new_shares * port.tick_alloc
port['new_value_n'] = port.new_value * port.tick_alloc
port['new_value_chg_n'] = port.new_value_chg * port.tick_alloc
port['final_allocation_n'] = port.final_allocation * port.tick_alloc

#double check our final_allocation is 100%

#Now we must double check to ensure we are not allocating buys to accounts with no sells (we cannot just add funds to a Traditional IRA account, for example)
#accounts with single securities in them which also exist in other accounts can cause issues if we don't do this
acctsdf = port.groupby(['accountid','accounttype']).new_value_chg_n.sum()
acctsdf = acctsdf.reset_index().rename(columns={'new_value_chg_n':'new_value_chg_sum'})
errordf = acctsdf[acctsdf.new_value_chg_sum > 0].copy() #a value >0 at the account-level implies we have allocated buys to an account with insufficient sells
erroraccts = errordf.accountid.values
if len(errordf) > 0: 
    for t in port[port.accountid.isin(erroraccts)].ticker.unique(): #Loop by security (not by account)
        print("Correcting distribution for single-security accounts edge case: {}".format(t))
        index = (port.accountid.isin(erroraccts)) & (port.ticker == t)
        display(port[port.ticker == t])
        #adjust numerator and denominator for proper recalculation of asset distribution across accounts
        port.loc[index,'new_shares_n'] = port.new_shares_n - port.final_shares_chg_n
        port.loc[index,'new_value_n'] = port.new_value_n - port.new_value_chg_n
        port.loc[index,'final_shares_chg_n'] = 0
        port.loc[index,'new_value_chg_n'] = 0

        #remove from denominator
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'value'] = port.loc[port.ticker == t,'value'] - port[index].value_orig.sum()
        #recalculate values for this ticker
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'tick_alloc'] = port[port.ticker == t].value_orig / port[port.ticker == t].value
        port.loc[index,'tick_alloc'] = 0 #set new money allocation to zero for funds with insufficient assets
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'final_shares_chg_n'] = port.final_shares_chg * port.tick_alloc
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'new_shares_n'] = port.shares + port.final_shares_chg_n
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'new_value_chg_n'] = port.new_value_chg * port.tick_alloc
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'new_value_n'] = port.value_orig + port.new_value_chg_n
        port.loc[port.ticker == t,'final_allocation_n'] = (port.new_value_n / port.new_value) * port.final_allocation
        display(port[port.ticker == t])

port['value'] = port.value_orig
port['final_shares_chg'] = port.final_shares_chg_n
port['new_shares'] = port.new_shares_n
port['new_value'] = port.new_value_n
port['new_value_chg'] = port.new_value_chg_n
port['final_allocation'] = port.final_allocation_n

#Check our work

#Lets look at our final portfolio at the account level
accounttype accountid ticker shares assetclass close value final_shares_chg new_shares new_value new_value_chg final_allocation
0 RIRA 1111 VBTLX 913.483 BD 10.39 9491.08837 -743.404775 170.078225 1767.112759 -7723.975611 0.019071
1 RIRA 2222 VBTLX 772.407 BD 10.39 8025.30873 -628.595225 143.811775 1494.204341 -6531.104389 0.016125
2 RIRA 1111 VTIAX 514.298 ST 25.17 12944.88066 47.000000 561.298000 14127.870660 1182.990000 0.152468
3 RIRA 1111 VTSAX 151.121 ST 61.08 9230.47068 1.418028 152.539028 9317.083821 86.613141 0.100550
4 RIRA 2222 VTSAX 151.578 ST 61.08 9258.38424 1.422316 153.000316 9345.259305 86.875065 0.100854
5 TAXB 3333 VTSAX 549.871 ST 61.08 33586.12068 5.159656 555.030656 33901.272475 315.151795 0.365862
6 TAXB 3333 AAPL 3.140 ST 156.15 490.31100 -3.140000 0.000000 0.000000 -490.311000 0.000000
7 NaN NaN VIGAX NaN ST 68.02 0.00000 17.000000 17.000000 1156.340000 1156.340000 0.012479
8 NaN NaN VSMAX NaN ST 62.25 0.00000 9.000000 9.000000 560.250000 560.250000 0.006046
9 NaN NaN VSEQX NaN ST 26.77 0.00000 22.000000 22.000000 588.940000 588.940000 0.006356
10 NaN NaN VWIGX NaN ST 24.76 0.00000 190.000000 190.000000 4704.400000 4704.400000 0.050770
11 NaN NaN VTRIX NaN ST 31.91 0.00000 147.000000 147.000000 4690.770000 4690.770000 0.050623
12 NaN NaN VTABX NaN BD 21.66 0.00000 64.000000 64.000000 1386.240000 1386.240000 0.014960
13 NaN NaN VGSLX NaN RE 105.06 0.00000 44.000000 44.000000 4622.640000 4622.640000 0.049887
14 NaN NaN VNQI NaN RE 52.05 0.00000 17.000000 17.000000 884.850000 884.850000 0.009549
15 NaN NaN VDE NaN ST 77.44 0.00000 36.000000 36.000000 2787.840000 2787.840000 0.030086
16 NaN NaN GLD NaN CS 120.57 0.00000 11.000000 11.000000 1326.270000 1326.270000 0.014313
In [18]:
#Finally, all new tickers need an account to land in
dport = None
acctsdf = None
if len(port[port.accounttype.isnull()])>0: #if we have none, skip this step
    print('Distributing new securities to existing accounts . . .')
    dport = port.copy()

    #account-level fund surplus or deficit - must match these with our orphaned securities
    acctsdf = port.groupby(['accountid','accounttype']).new_value_chg.sum()
    acctsdf = acctsdf.reset_index().rename(columns={'new_value_chg':'new_value_chg_sum'})
    #establish sort order so we can allocate tax-efficient account space first
    actype_sortorder = pd.DataFrame(data=[['RIRA',1],['TIRA',2],['TAXB',3]],columns=['accounttype','order'])
    acctsdf = pd.merge(acctsdf,actype_sortorder,how='left',left_on='accounttype',right_on='accounttype')
    #We make a consequential assumption here that any new_money_in will be allocated 100% in one of the Taxable accounts (first in list).
    #if you have a Roth-IRA which has not met its contribution limits for the year, it may be preferrential to distribute the funds there first.
    #IF YOU HAVE NO TAXABLE ACCOUNT AND YOU WISH TO REBALANCE WITH new_money_in > 0 this will cause errors - so we assert here:
    assert(new_money_in == 0 or (len(acctsdf[acctsdf.accounttype == 'TAXB'])>0 and new_money_in > 0))
    min_idx = acctsdf[acctsdf.accounttype == 'TAXB'].index.min()
    acctsdf.loc[min_idx,'new_value_chg_sum'] = acctsdf.loc[min_idx,'new_value_chg_sum'] - new_money_in
    #only return accounts that have space
    acctsdf = acctsdf[acctsdf.new_value_chg_sum<0].copy()

    #establish sort order so we can allocate tax-inefficient assets first
    aclass_sortorder = pd.DataFrame(data=[['ST',3],['BD',1],['CS',4],['RE',2],['ALT',5]],columns=['assetclass','order'])
    dport = pd.merge(dport,aclass_sortorder,how='left',left_on='assetclass',right_on='assetclass')

    #We loop twice, first to fit whole securities in accounts with tax location in mind, then again without tax location for anything leftover
    loop = 0
    while loop < 2:
        #loop through orphaned tickers and place them in accounts until all assets are allocated or we are forced to split a security across accounts
        #  in the first loop we do not allow tax-inefficient assets to wind up in Taxable accounts, in the second loop we relax this constraint
        for index, row in dport[dport.accounttype.isnull()].sort_values(['order','new_value_chg'],ascending=[True,False]).iterrows():
            #loop through accounts and place the assets
            for i, r in acctsdf.iterrows():
                aid = r.accountid
                atype = r.accounttype
                bal = r.new_value_chg_sum
                #print('Evaluating {}-{} with {} starting bal'.format(aid,atype,bal))
                if loop == 0 and (row.assetclass in ('BD','RE') and atype == 'TAXB'):
                    continue #skip this case, since we don't want to place Bonds and Real-Estate assets in Taxable accounts
                elif loop == 0 and (row.assetclass not in ('BD','RE') and atype != 'TAXB'):
                    continue #skip this case, since we don't want to place tax-efficient assets into tax sheltered accounts 

                if row.new_value_chg + bal <=0: #it fits
                    print(' FITS {} in {}-{} with {} remaining'.format(row.ticker,aid,atype,bal))
                    #update our portfolio
                    dport.loc[index,'accountid'] = aid
                    dport.loc[index,'accounttype'] = atype
                    #update account bal for next loop
                    acctsdf.loc[i,'new_value_chg_sum'] = bal
                    print(' {} {} does not fit in {}-{}'.format(row.ticker,row.new_value_chg,aid,atype))
    print('\nLets see what remains in our accounts after 2 loops . . .')
    #Here we are forced to split a security across multiple accounts because no one account can fit it
    #  in this loop we allow tax-inefficient assets to wind up in Taxable accounts, but only as a last resort
    if len(dport[dport.accounttype.isnull()])>0:
        print('Splitting remaining securities across accounts . . .')
        #loop through accounts and place portions of asset in each, create a new row in the df for each placement.
        for index, row in dport[dport.accounttype.isnull()].sort_values(['order','new_value_chg'],ascending=[True,False]).iterrows():
            final_shares_chg = row.final_shares_chg
            asset_bal = row.new_value_chg
            #if its a tax-inefficent asset, order the accounts by 'order'
            if row.assetclass in ('BD','RE'):
                acctsdf = acctsdf.sort_values('order',ascending=True)
                acctsdf = acctsdf.sort_values('order',ascending=False)
            for i, r in acctsdf.iterrows():
                bal = r.new_value_chg_sum
                if asset_bal>-bal:
                    to_move = -bal
                    pct_move = -bal/row.new_value_chg
                    to_move = asset_bal
                    pct_move = asset_bal/row.new_value_chg
                print(' {} move {} or {}% into account {}-{}. {} bal remaining {}'.format(row.ticker,to_move,pct_move,r.accountid,r.accounttype,row.ticker,asset_bal))
                #update our account to reflect this change
                if asset_bal > 0:
                    acctsdf.loc[i,'new_value_chg_sum'] = 0.0
                    acctsdf.loc[i,'new_value_chg_sum'] = to_move+bal
                if (np.floor(pct_move*row.new_shares)*row.close)-row.value > 0:
                    #create new row in our portfolio for this asset in this account
                    dport.loc[max(dport.index)+1] = [r.accounttype,
                                            np.floor(pct_move*row.final_shares_chg), #we round down to get back to whole shares
                                            (np.floor(pct_move*row.new_shares)*row.close)-row.value, #rounding can cause us to be short of our total allocatable funds
                #finally delete the original row from the df
                #double check our work - we just care that distributed funds < total available funds for this ticker
                assert(dport[dport.ticker==row.ticker].new_value_chg.sum() < row.new_value_chg)
Distributing new securities to existing accounts . . .
 FITS VTABX in 1111-RIRA with -5068.132470695083 remaining
 FITS VGSLX in 1111-RIRA with -445.4924706950824 remaining
 VNQI 884.8499999999999 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 FITS VNQI in 2222-RIRA with -5559.379323808596 remaining
 VWIGX 4704.400000000001 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 FITS VWIGX in 2222-RIRA with -854.9793238085958 remaining
 VTRIX 4690.77 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 VTRIX 4690.77 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 FITS VTRIX in 3333-TAXB with -5484.389205496322 remaining
 VDE 2787.84 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 VDE 2787.84 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 FITS VDE in 3333-TAXB with -2696.5492054963215 remaining
 VIGAX 1156.34 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 VIGAX 1156.34 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 FITS VIGAX in 3333-TAXB with -1540.2092054963216 remaining
 VSEQX 588.9399999999999 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 FITS VSEQX in 2222-RIRA with -266.0393238085959 remaining
 VSMAX 560.25 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 VSMAX 560.25 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 FITS VSMAX in 3333-TAXB with -979.9592054963216 remaining
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 3333-TAXB
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 1111-RIRA
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 2222-RIRA
 GLD 1326.27 does not fit in 3333-TAXB

Lets see what remains in our accounts after 2 loops . . .
accountid accounttype new_value_chg_sum order
0 1111 RIRA -445.492471 1
1 2222 RIRA -266.039324 1
2 3333 TAXB -979.959205 3
Splitting remaining securities across accounts . . .
 GLD move 979.9592054963216 or 0.7388836402062338% into account 3333-TAXB. GLD bal remaining 346.3107945036784
 GLD move 346.3107945036784 or 0.26111635979376624% into account 1111-RIRA. GLD bal remaining 0
 GLD move 0 or 0.0% into account 2222-RIRA. GLD bal remaining 0
In [19]:
#Lets see whats left in our accounts, it should be very close to zero
if acctsdf is not None:
accountid accounttype new_value_chg_sum order
2 3333 TAXB 0.000000 3
0 1111 RIRA -99.181676 1
1 2222 RIRA -266.039324 1
In [20]:
#Review our final portfolio with recommended buys/sells in 'final_shares_chg' column
if dport is not None:
    dport = dport[['accounttype','accountid','ticker','shares','assetclass','close','value','new_shares','final_shares_chg','new_value','new_value_chg','final_allocation']]
    port = port[['accounttype','accountid','ticker','shares','assetclass','close','value','new_shares','final_shares_chg','new_value','new_value_chg','final_allocation']]
accounttype accountid ticker shares assetclass close value new_shares final_shares_chg new_value new_value_chg final_allocation
0 RIRA 1111 VBTLX 913.483 BD 10.39 9491.08837 170.078225 -743.404775 1767.112759 -7723.975611 0.019071
1 RIRA 2222 VBTLX 772.407 BD 10.39 8025.30873 143.811775 -628.595225 1494.204341 -6531.104389 0.016125
2 RIRA 1111 VTIAX 514.298 ST 25.17 12944.88066 561.298000 47.000000 14127.870660 1182.990000 0.152468
3 RIRA 1111 VTSAX 151.121 ST 61.08 9230.47068 152.539028 1.418028 9317.083821 86.613141 0.100550
4 RIRA 2222 VTSAX 151.578 ST 61.08 9258.38424 153.000316 1.422316 9345.259305 86.875065 0.100854
5 TAXB 3333 VTSAX 549.871 ST 61.08 33586.12068 555.030656 5.159656 33901.272475 315.151795 0.365862
6 TAXB 3333 AAPL 3.140 ST 156.15 490.31100 0.000000 -3.140000 0.000000 -490.311000 0.000000
7 TAXB 3333 VIGAX NaN ST 68.02 0.00000 17.000000 17.000000 1156.340000 1156.340000 0.012479
8 TAXB 3333 VSMAX NaN ST 62.25 0.00000 9.000000 9.000000 560.250000 560.250000 0.006046
9 RIRA 2222 VSEQX NaN ST 26.77 0.00000 22.000000 22.000000 588.940000 588.940000 0.006356
10 RIRA 2222 VWIGX NaN ST 24.76 0.00000 190.000000 190.000000 4704.400000 4704.400000 0.050770
11 TAXB 3333 VTRIX NaN ST 31.91 0.00000 147.000000 147.000000 4690.770000 4690.770000 0.050623
12 RIRA 1111 VTABX NaN BD 21.66 0.00000 64.000000 64.000000 1386.240000 1386.240000 0.014960
13 RIRA 1111 VGSLX NaN RE 105.06 0.00000 44.000000 44.000000 4622.640000 4622.640000 0.049887
14 RIRA 2222 VNQI NaN RE 52.05 0.00000 17.000000 17.000000 884.850000 884.850000 0.009549
15 TAXB 3333 VDE NaN ST 77.44 0.00000 36.000000 36.000000 2787.840000 2787.840000 0.030086
17 TAXB 3333 GLD NaN CS 120.57 0.00000 8.000000 8.000000 964.560000 964.560000 0.010565
18 RIRA 1111 GLD NaN CS 120.57 0.00000 2.000000 2.000000 241.140000 241.140000 0.003749


Through this portfolio rebalancing demonstration using Pandas you can see we have achieved a rebalanced portfolio very closely approximating our desired target allocation. We can see how GLD was added as a new security along with 9 others, and AAPL was removed from the portfolio. The remaining securities were bought or sold as required by our target allocation. We accounted for whole-share rounding because most of our assets in this sample are index funds. The final steps had us consider how to distribute newly acquired securities into existing accounts, this was accomplished through iteratively fitting securities into accounts until they all had a home. This simple rebalancer can be adapted to your needs and I urge you grab the code and see if you can improve upon it. I welcome your thoughts or feedback in the comments.

No Solicitation or Investment Advice: The material contained on this website is for informational purposes only and the author is not soliciting any action based upon such material. The material is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell a security nor is it to be construed as investment advice. Additionally, the material accessible through this website does not constitute a representation that the investments described herein are suitable or appropriate for any person. This code is provided as-is with no warranties and may contain errors which affect its performance.